

Innovative UI & UX design services, aimed at delivering
an excellent finished product in a timely manner.

Brand Strategy

Web & Mobile Design

SaaS Design

software as a service

Elevate your online presence with meticulously crafted website designs. From user-friendly navigation to visually stunning interfaces, I specialize in creating websites that leave a lasting impression.
Unleash the full potential of your mobile app with intuitive and captivating design. I bring a user-centric approach to ensure seamless experiences across various devices, making your app both functional and visually appealing.
Transform your online store into a shopping haven. With a focus on user experience, I design e-commerce interfaces that not only showcase your products beautifully but also guide users effortlessly through the purchasing journey.
Power up your software with cutting-edge design. As a Senior UX/UI Designer, I specialize in creating sleek and efficient interfaces for SaaS platforms. Enhance user satisfaction and productivity with designs that marry form and function seamlessly.

Design Process

Whether you’re designing a small product feature, an entire
website, or something in between, a few of the same challenges
seem to always pop up in the design process.

Projects Examples

Dive into the design chronicles
a showcase of my finest projects.
(SAAS) Enterprise Resource Planning
SaaS: Enterprise Resource Planing (ERP)
A meticulous approach to incorporating the latest design principles while fostering an innovative culture led to a flexible platform tailored to meet specific company demands.

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(E-commerce) Embedded
E-commerce: Embedded Shop
Setting our platform apart, and prioritizing excellent customer service and comprehensive documentation to cater to users of all levels, enabling them to kickstart their projects effortlessly.

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Website: Marketing Agency
Achieve digital marketing success and strive to ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck. Set in place tools and frameworks that help maximize your digital strategy’s potential.

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(Mobile) CRM UI
Mobile: Banking App
Elevate your online presence with meticulously crafted website designs. From user-friendly navigation to visually stunning interfaces, I specialize in creating websites that leave a lasting impression.

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Design Systems included,
for consistency of product design.

All projects include design system that ensures consistency of product development and creates a strong sense of brand, leaving clarity of decisions as it brings everything together in one place.

Project Categories

Explore varied design realms by browsing projects
based on their distinct categories.

Blog Posts

Unlocking the UX/UI Journey and Explore
a World of User-Centered Strategies.
Pain Points: Identifying and solving user frustrations
Pain Points: Identifying and solving user frustrations

Identifying and Overcoming Obstacles In the ever-evolving landscape of UX/UI design, addressing pain points throughout the design process is crucial for creating engaging and user-friendly experiences. From understanding user needs to iterating design solutions, every stage of the design process comes with its unique challenges. This comprehensive guide will help you identify and overcome the pain points...

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‘‘I'm so happy with Vladimir's work! He was so detail-oriented. He knew exactly what I wanted, was quick to accept any feedback, and fully delivered on all requests! I am so proud of the design he made. It's fun and stylish, just what I was looking for.’’
Eric Hillerbrand

CEO, The Intelligence Exchange

‘‘Thanks Vladimir, you nailed the design! I'm really happy with the design you made, everyone that looks at it thinks it's beautiful, so thanks for that man!’’
Yuval Carmeli

CEO, Users-Driven

‘‘As a UX/UI Designer, Vladimir played a pivotal role in the transformation of our SIMA management application. His focus was on establishing standards, documentation, and leveraging a design system to completely redesign the app.’’
Milos Sreckovic

CEO, SET plus plus

‘‘Collaborating with Vladimir on the Leapwork project has been an outstanding experience. His deep understanding of web development, combined with his creativity and problem-solving skills, has significantly elevated our website.’’
Eduardo (Edu) Carneiro

Web Manager, Leapwork

‘‘I'm so happy with Vladimir's work! He was so detail-oriented. He knew exactly what I wanted, was quick to accept any feedback, and fully delivered on all requests! I am so proud of the design he made. It's fun and stylish, just what I was looking for.’’
Eric Hillerbrand

CEO, The Intelligence Exchange

‘‘Thanks Vladimir, you nailed the design! I'm really happy with the design you made, everyone that looks at it thinks it's beautiful, so thanks for that man!’’
Yuval Carmeli

CEO, Users-Driven

‘‘As a UX/UI Designer, Vladimir played a pivotal role in the transformation of our SIMA management application. His focus was on establishing standards, documentation, and leveraging a design system to completely redesign the app.’’
Milos Sreckovic

CEO, SET plus plus

‘‘Collaborating with Vladimir on the Leapwork project has been an outstanding experience. His deep understanding of web development, combined with his creativity and problem-solving skills, has significantly elevated our website.’’
Eduardo (Edu) Carneiro

Web Manager, Leapwork

Skills-Based FAQ

Everything what you need to know
about the services and design process.
What design methods do you follow?
  • I employ a user-centric approach, beginning with extensive user research using surveys, interviews, and observations.
  • This is followed by prioritizing information architecture to organize content logically, creating intuitive sitemaps and user flows.
  • Visual shaping occurs through wireframing and prototyping, serving as blueprints for the final product.
  • Usability testing ensures iterative improvements based on user interactions.
  • Collaboration with developers and product managers is integral, fostering regular feedback loops.
  • Accessibility is a key focus, aligning with legal and ethical standards.
  • My approach is systematic, detail-oriented, and consistently user-centric, aiming to exceed expectations while meeting business objectives.
What does the term “Design-thinking” mean to you?
  • Design thinking is my compass for problem-solving, blending creativity with practicality in a human-centered approach.
  • It starts with empathizing with end-users through methods like interviews and surveys.
  • Ideation follows, fostering creativity and exploring possibilities.
  • Prototyping brings promising concepts to life, enabling quick testing and feedback gathering.
  • The process is iterative, allowing continuous refinement based on user input and changing requirements.
  • Design thinking is not just a process, it’s a mindset that embraces ambiguity and focuses on creating solutions that truly resonate with users.
When a client says: “I don’t like this design.” What do you do?
  • When faced with client dissatisfaction, I initiate a constructive dialogue by understanding specific pain points.
  • I ask targeted questions to pinpoint concerns, providing context to my design choices.
  • If feedback aligns with project goals, I’m open to revisions.
  • However, if it conflicts, I present data-backed arguments, aiming for a collaborative solution that balances creativity, functionality, and user needs.
What is the difference between UI and UX design?
  • UX (User Experience) design centers on creating a positive overall interaction by understanding user behaviors and needs.
  • UI (User Interface) design, a subset of UX, deals specifically with the visual elements on a screen, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.
  • In essence, UX focuses on the “what” and “why,” while UI handles the “how” of the design process.
What analytics tools have you used to evaluate your designs?
  • I leverage tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar to analyze user interactions, employing metrics like conversion rate, bounce rate, and retention rate.
  • These insights guide my design decisions, ensuring a user-centric approach and continuous improvement.
What methods can you use to measure interface effectiveness?
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of a user interface involves employing meticulous methods.
  • Usability testing scrutinizes behavior and satisfaction, surveys and questionnaires extract insights, and interviews illuminate motivations.
  • Analytics and heatmaps offer valuable data, while A/B testing optimizes variations.
  • Heuristic evaluation and expert review serve as evaluative benchmarks.
  • This diverse array of methods forms a comprehensive strategy, ensuring the measurable and continually refined effectiveness of a user interface.
Customer Service FAQ
What's the typical timeline for a design project?
Timelines vary based on project complexity. After our initial discussion, I’ll provide a detailed project timeline outlining key milestones and deliverable dates to keep the project on track.
Can you work within a specific design style or brand guidelines?
Absolutely. If you have existing brand guidelines or a preferred design style, I’ll ensure that the new designs seamlessly integrate with your established branding for consistency and brand cohesion.
How do you handle confidential information and project details?
Your privacy and project details are treated with the utmost confidentiality. I’m open to signing NDAs if required, and all project-related communication and files are securely stored.
How do you handle revisions during a project?
Open communication is key. We’ll have regular check-ins and design reviews where you can provide feedback. Revisions are a natural part of the process, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with your vision.
How do you ensure designs are user-friendly?
User-friendliness is at the core of my designs. Throughout the process, I conduct usability testing and gather user feedback to refine the interface. This iterative approach guarantees a design that users find intuitive and engaging.